Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I NEED TO KNOW:- Between Men And Women, Who Enjoys S.eX More? [18+ Only]

The debate over who enjoys s*x more between men and women has been on-going for decades with no side willing to accept defeat.

While men believe that women enjoy s*x more, because, according to them, the actual act takes place inside a woman while the man is just the projector, women argue that men enjoy s*x more than women, citing situations where some men rape or forcefully have s*x with women.

But be that as it may, it should be said that both men and women enjoy s*x though to some certain proportion, some enjoy it more than others.

On I NEED TO KNOW today, we want you to join in on the debate:
Who do you think enjoys s*x more between men and women?
A. Men enjoy s*x more
B. Women enjoy s*x more
C. Both sexes enjoy it in equal proportion


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