Thursday, December 31, 2015

Chris Brown caught sleeping in nightclub (Photo)

Daddy duties must be taking a toll in Chris Brown as he was spotted dozing off in a club last night

New Method to Renew Your MTN Musicplus Subscription

I can see that you guys are bitterly complaining today about MTN Music Plus free 150MB, it seems MTN has detect and blocked Cancel7D code that we are using to erase the initial music+ subscription on their system, before the top up. There must be a way out for every problem.

Now you can renew your MTN music+ megabytes and keep flexing with your free browsing.

New Method to Renew Your MTN Music+ Free 150MB

1. Make sure you exhausted your 150mb to 0.0mb, then you cancel and request for another 150mb

2. If you did the no.1 method and did not get 150mb instantly just wait for like 24hrs then you try it again.

3. If the 2nd method did not work for you, just leave the sim card the reach it expiring date which is 7days the you can kick it on.

If you are new to MTN Music Plus and you don’t know how get the 150mb check it below
How To Get Unlimited MTN Free 150mb Music Plus Data Continuously

With this method you can get MTN music plus data morethan 1000 times daily.
 Simply Send I to 5900 as a text message on your mtn line and you will receive a message ”Dear user,you have been rewarded FREE 150MB&unlimited streaming on MTN Music+ for 7days.

After you exhaust your 150mb Resend cancel7I to 5900 to opt out. wait for the confirmation message that you have opted out. then resend D to 5900 or music to 5900 to activate another 150mb. continue opting out and in to enjoy the unlimited

Now dial *559*2# to check your 150mb music plus data.

Photos Speak: How A Space Bus Completely Got Burnt This Morning On 3rd Mainlad Bridge

This morning a space bus caught fire on 3rdmainland bridge and completely got burnt. The driver who first noticed the fire quickly parked at the side of the bridge as other drivers’ parked miles away, rushed back to help, but alas, the fire razed the bus completely. Atleast no life was lost.

We love you all.Happy New Year “2016” To All Gistnaijaloadite – Better Things Will Come Our Way

Happy New Year to All Gistnaijaloadites.

2015 was an Excellent year for us here, We’re sure 2016 is definitely gonna be super excellent for Us and everyone of you.

We Appreciate.

Have a Wonderful 2016

”What Do Igbos Want?” – President Buhari Speaks On Biafra & Nnamdi Kanu

Igbos were in Strategic Position in my Cabinet including Petroleum and Labour Ministers & Also Governor of CBN.

President Muhammadu Buhari, Thursday, explained why he cannot release leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, Nnamdi Kanu.

The President disclosed that Kanu has two passports, one Nigerian, one British and came to the country without using any passport.

President Buhari also made a robust defence of the integrity of all 36 ministers in his cabinet challenging anyone with a contrary view to present evidence against such a minister.

Speaking in his first media chat, the president said the first gains of the war against corruption would become evident by the end of March, next year, even as he accused erstwhile National Security Adviser, Col. Sambo Dasuki (retd.) of having allegedly committed atrocities against Nigeria through reckless disbursement of billions of government funds.

The president made his first dismissal of the agitation for Biafra stating that Igbo were in strategic position in the cabinet including holding the petroleum and labour portfolios besides the stewardship of the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN.

President Buhari also assured of the administration’s readiness to implement the N5,000 monthly transfer to vulnerable Nigerians even as he said the campaign promise did not emanate from him but from his then running mate, Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo. He also frowned at the allocation of N47.7 billion for the purchase of vehicles by the National Assembly even after the lawmakers had collected car loans from the government.

President Muhammadu Buhari during his first presidential media chat,Thursday, in Abuja.

The president, who expressed his readiness to negotiate with any credible leadership of the Boko Haram sect for the release of the kidnapped Chibok girls also disclosed his readiness to consider a ban on the use of hijab should the trend of bombing through young veiled girls continue.

Noting the dire economic conditions facing the country, President Buhari was, nevertheless, against the immediate devaluation of the naira even as he revealed that N1.5 trillion had been recovered into the federation account through the implementation of the Treasury Single Account.

The president also spoke on the fate of the Islamic cleric, Sheikh Ibraheem El-Zakzaky, saying that he had allowed the Kaduna State government and the military authorities to take the lead in the investigations. He affirmed that the cleric had over time overstepped his bounds to the distress of the communities he lived.

On the panel that interviewed the president yesterday were Kayode Akintemi, Channels TV; Dr. Ngozi Anyaegbulam, Media World International; Munir Dan Ali, Daily Trust and Ibanga Isine, Premium Times.

On the ministers

“I don’t think I tolerate corruption, I don’t think I picked anybody that I know will embarrass my government. But if you have any evidence about any of my ministers, I accept responsibility for the 36 ministers that I have.

“I don’t think I took anybody among the ministers who has got a case in court. Tell me one out of the 36. I don’t think I will deliberately make that mistake.”

Asked if he would sack any of the ministers if he or she is charged to court for corruption, he said:

“No, I will insist that the case go through the courts.”

On the location and condition of the Chibok girls, he said he would be prepared to negotiate with credible elements in the Boko Haram leadership if there is precise intelligence that could help return the girls to their parents. He, however, affirmed that presently he did not superior intelligence on the fate of the girls.

“We are still keeping our options open. If a credible leadership of Boko Haram can be established and they tell us where those girls are, we are prepared to negotiate with them without any pre-condition. This we have made absolutely clear. But while they are keeping the Chibok girls, they must not get away with the idea that we will not attempt to secure the rest of Nigeria.

“We have no firm intelligence on where they are physically and what condition they are in. But what we believe from our intelligence, they keep taking the girls around, they are not keeping all the girls in one place, we don’t know how many divisions they made of them and where they are.

On the crisis in Kaduna involving followers of the Shite leader, Sheikh El-Zakzaky, he said:

“I expect the Kaduna State Government to set up a judicial inquiry because it happened in Kaduna, in one of the cities and it has been there for the last twenty years from what I have been reading from papers. They will occupy a federal highway, sometimes from Kano to Kaduna. This is what I heard.

“We have a system of investigation, the military that was involved too have a tradition of investigation and I am the head of the federal government, I have to wait for the official report before I can come out as head of the federal government and make a statement. So I am allowing the Army and the Kaduna State government to submit their report of inquiry. Meanwhile it does not mean that the police, the SSS and other directorate involved are not doing their own part of constitutional role.
Frowning at the activities of the group, he said:

“Unfortunately it is very serious. How can any group proclaim statehood in a state? I don’t want to speak about it in details now, I better leave it still after the report of the inquiry but there are a number of clips I saw, where some excited teenagers were visually hitting the chest of a general, mounting road blocks and threatening them with missiles.

On the contentious issue of subsidy, the president said that by the end of the next quarter that there would be no more talk about subsidy in the price of petroleum.

Money recovered

“Money has been recovered but whatever we recover, has to end up in court because I feel personally that Nigerians are entitled to know the truth and the truth will be what the court has discovered by the submission made to them in terms of documentation and the documentation includes the bank statement of where our money was lodged, when it was lodged and how much. Whether it is petrol from NNPC or Customs and Excise or money directly from the Central Bank of Nigeria.”

Told that he was limited in his disclosure of his assets, the president said that he had declared his assets at least four times in the past.

The president expressed reservation on proposals by the National Assembly to commit N47.7 billion to purchase new vehicles after members had collected car loans from the government.

N5,000 monthly stipend for the less privileged

“When my VP was quoted, how can I come here and disown it? First, I believe in getting facts, how many are involved? How are we going to do it? Is it state by state or geo-political zone by geo-political zone? In trying to get the bottom of the problem, a lot of work has to be done and if it is undertaken, we have to look at it very well.”

On Dasuki, Kanu and others

Asked on the alleged flouting of court orders by the state on the issue of Dasuki and detained Biafran agitator, Nnamdi Kanu, he said:

“Technically, if you see the kind of atrocities those people committed, if they jump bail? I am sorry to say this publicly…the former president just wrote to the governor of the CBN and said give N40 billion to someone while you have two million Internally Displaced Persons, what kind of country do you want to run?

“The one you called Kanu, do you know he has two passports? One Nigerian, one British and he came to this country without using any passport? Do you know that he brought sophisticated equipment into this country and started broadcasting for Radio Biafra? There is a treasonable charge against him and I hope the court will listen to the case.

Biafra and marginalisation of Ndigbo

“They say they are marginalised but they have not defined the extent of marginalisation. Who is marginalising them? Where? Do you know? Choosing a minister is not a matter of ethnicity, it is a matter of the constitution. I am limited by what the constitution says that there must be a member of the executive council from each state. There is a lot of partisan politics in it. Who is the Minister of State for Petroleum? Is he not an Igbo? Who is the governor of the CBN? Is he not an Igbo? Who is the Minister of Labour? Who is the Minister of Science and Technology? What do they want? I stood elections and I won, I am limited by the constitution, I have a member of every state in the Federal Executive Council and I have to listen to them when I sit as chairman. That is the limit the constitution gave me”.

The Top 14 Things Buhari Said During First Media Chat See Here

President Muhammadu Buhari held his first Presidential Media Chat on Wednesday fielding questions about some of the key issues in the country from the whereabouts of the Chibok girls, the Nigerian Army-Shiites clash and pressure to devalue the naira.

Here are some key comments by the President:

On the clash between Shi’ites and the Nigerian Army in Zaria and his silence

i. I have allowed the army and the Kaduna State government to come up with their reports before I come out to speak on the clash. This does not mean that the police and the DSS are not doing their part.

ii. The situation in Zaria is very serious… How can one group create a state within a state?

On the state of tertiary institutions

I don’t like the idea of University students sitting on windows to receive lectures.

On whether he actually promised to pay unemployed youths N5,000

I cannot come here and deny that.

Foreign exchange restrictions

I. We need power, railways, roads… These are our priorities; not people looking for money to bring in rice (to the country).

II.Foreign exchange will be made available to the productive sector of the economy and not for luxury items.

On calls for the devaluation of the Naira

I need to be convinced about devaluing the Naira.

On asset declaration

I declared my assets four times… I don’t have to ask them (Code of Conduct Bureau) to give you the asset declaration… You have a constitutional right to the documents.

On the continued bomb attacks in parts of the North-East

I. The Hijab will have to be banned if this (the suicide bombing) continues.

On the debate about fuel subsidy

By the end of the next quarter, we will not be talking about subsidy. How much is the price of

fuel (in the international market) now?

Reported plans by the National Assembly to spend billions on cars

I cannot see the National Assembly spending N45bn to buy cars on top of the transport allowance they collect.

On the pace of the anti-corruption war

I. Our major constraint is that accused person must go to court first and under such circumstances, we cannot prejudge what the courts will do but there are documents and how the government will react through the Ministry of Justice will determine what we will do because what we are going so we cannot determine issues while they are still in court.

II. If any member of my cabinet is corrupt, I will sack the person.

III. Members of the cabinet are supposed to declare their assets.

On whether funds have been recovered from looters

I. Money has been recovered but the fact that whatever we recover will end up in court because Nigerians will always want to know the truth and the truth will be what the courts have discovered by the submission made to them in terms of bank statements where money was recovered, where money was lodged, when it was lodged, how it was lodged whether it was money from petrol, customs and excise or money directly from the Central Bank. When we do that I think Nigerians will feel a bit better.

II. It is a very nasty situation that we are in, but we cannot fold our hands and not do anything; we are doing our best.

Chibok girls

We are keeping our options open. We are prepared to negotiate with boko haram for the girls… There is no firm intelligence where those girls physically are and what conditions they are in but what we learnt from our intelligence is that they (terrorists) kept on shifting them around so that they are not taken by surprise and they get freed. And a whole lot of them are not in one place and we don’t know how many divisions they have and where they are. There is no intelligence to say that the girls are alive and in one place. That is the honest truth.

On the agitation for Biafra over alleged marginalisation

We have boko haram and then Biafra. Help me define the extent of marginalisation. Who is marginalising them? Why? How? Do you know? … The constitution said there must be a minister from each state. Who is the Minister of Petroleum? Is he not Igbo? Who is the Governor of Central Bank? Is he not Igbo? Who is the Minister of Labour? Who is the Minister of Science and Technology? Who is the junior minister of education?

On the continued detention of suspected looters and alleged violation of court orders by the DSS

You can see the type atrocities that those people committed against soldiers and the country. The former president goes to the governor of the Central Bank and say, ‘give N40bn to so, so, so… And then he fails to account for it and you allow him to go and see his daughter in London while and you have two million people in IDPs, half of them don’t even know their parents. Which kind of country do you want to run?

And the one you are calling Kanu. Do you know he has two passports – one Nigerian, one British – and he came to this country without any passport?… There are criminal allegations against him and I hope the court will listen to the case

My Husband Runs Away From Having S*xual Intercourse With Me – Wife Tells Court

A woman has prayed the court to dissolve the union with her husband on the grounds of irresponsibility on the husband’s part as well as lack of romance.

A middle-aged woman, Latifat Adeleke, has asked a Mapo Customary Court in Ibadan, to dissolve her marriage with Adetola Adeleke, over alleged sexual starvation according to P.M news.

Latifat, a trader and mother of two, on Wednesday asked the court to end the nine-year-old marriage after declaring that she was “totally fed up.”

In her petition to the court, Latifat alleged that Adeleke, a spare parts dealer, aside from neglecting his traditional responsibilities of catering for her and the two children, had no time for her.

    “Adeleke has over three to four years now, failed in his responsibilities as a husband towards me and as a father to his two children.

    “The worst of all, my Lord, is that he has kept away from having sexual intercourse with me which greatly saddens my heart.

    “We no longer stay together and the bond of love between us has disappeared,” Latifat declared.

Adeleke, who denied all the allegations levelled against him by his wife, however told the court that he was happy to part ways with Latifat. He alleged that his wife was adulterous, extravagant and a party enthusiast.

    “My lord, this year alone, Latifat has dubiously obtained close to N300, 000 from me in the name of celebrating birthday for our children.

“I once caught her red-handed with her lover on our matrimonial bed.

“When I asked her if what she did was right or not, there was no remorse, even when it actually happened on our matrimonial home,” he said.

“She has been involved in all manners of atrocities; this is why I called it all off with her.

“Please, my Lord, I don’t want her to take custody of the eight and six year-old children, because she doesn’t stay around; Latifat keeps going to parties,” Adeleke told the court.

After listening to both parties, the President of the court, Mr Ademola Odunade, adjourned the matter till Jan. 27, 2016 and directed both parties to produce evidence to support their claims.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Root doctor root any type of android phone


We told our very Loal fans on our Whatsapp Group That today we will root as many android phone as we like, sofar all are free to rock the Glo Bis plan which gives 3.5Gb for just 1000 Yes... and even more benefits why you must root your android phone.

How to Root Your Android phone

Lets get this thread very interactive, i know am 20minutes late as at filing this post, all you have to do is at the comment section below, comment "The Make of your phone (e.g Gionee), The Android Version (e.g 5.1), i will teach you how best the phone can be rooted, if possible give you one on one tutor on Whatsapp.

This topic will be Available from Now till tomorrow Nite, dont forget to keep the request rolling!! once more, Happy New Year in advance!!

Free browsing mtn music plus cheat is back and better free 150mb

Few week ago we announced that the MTN music plus cheat ended, and we also found a new way to top up MB, but before we knew it was banned again, but now MTN Music Plus cheat is back and better.
See How to Use: Mtn Music Plus Unlimited Free MB renewal with Psiphont

If you are also New to MTN Music Plus see this Other Thread

Meanwhile: To Get Mtn Music Plus MB.

Send Music as Sms to 5900

To renew it after Elapse Send Calcel7d to 5900 after a reply then send d to 5900

Kindly start topping Up your sims as soon as you get This, dont foget to drop your comments if it worked or does not work for you..

Ogun State Government Plans Free Phone Calls For Workers In 2016

The Ogun Government has concluded arrangements to connect civil servants to Free Voice Over Internet Protocol to enhance productivity and hitch-free communication in the discharge of their official duties.

Government is also set to establish a data centre across the three senatorial districts in the state to give room for rural participation in governance.

Mrs Olatundun Adekunte, the Director of Information Technology in the Bureau of Information Technology, made this known while speaking with newsmen on Tuesday in Abeokuta.

She explained the device would be put in place at the Oke-Mosan Government Secretariat in the state capital to allow civil servants access to free calls during official working hours.

Adekunte also said that arrangements were being made to procure mobile phones and other accessories for the workers.

See The 6 Foods That Are Killing Your Séx Drive | No. 3 Will Shock You!!

You aren’t in the mood for s*x some nights. Expectedly, you blame stress, fatigue, a lack of sleep, but the secret behind your libido’s loss is perhaps hidden in your plate of food.

Since both testosterone and oestrogen play a critical role in the bodies of men and women, an imbalance can either amp up or diminish your s*x drive. Research shows that certain foods can significantly impact your hormonal levels. So, look before you eat.

Here are six foods you should avoid if you want the libido to simmer:

1. Alcohol

According to researchers, alcohol is a downer and can affect a man’s ability to maintain his erection. Since it affects both s.exes, women, you too need to take it slow. While all alcohol affects the liver’s ability to get rid of excess oestrogen, beer is rich in phytoestrogens. Its plant-derived oestrogen directly affects fertility.

2. Sugar

High levels of sugar in your bloodstream can adversely affect the gene that controls your se.x hormones. Simple sugars, such as glucose and fructose, are metabolised in your liver and the excess fat gets stored as lipids. Excess fat synthesis deactivates your shbg (s.ex hormone binding globulin) gene, causing your levels of shbg protein to drop dramatically, and it is this shbg protein that controls your testosterone and oestrogen levels.

3. Plastic bottles

Throw away that spare water bottle you keep at work. It’s not the water, but the plastic which is the problem. Most plastic food containers and water bottles contain bisphenol a (bpa), a chemical component that is reported to have a negative impact on fertility in both men and women.

4. Coffee

Coffee as we all know wires up the body system and make you feels alert. But if you’re someone who feels edgy or apprehensive after drinking coffee, the caffeine could have a direct impact on the time in bed with your partner. Increased anxiety can often lower your se.x drive.

5. Spicy foods

Heavily scented or spiced foods have the potential to change the way your vagina smells and tastes. This list of food and beverages also has on it coffee, onions, garlic and strong spices. Try and include more whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies in your diet.

6. Chocolate

Dark chocolate has often been perceived as a stimulant and is said to induce feelings of love and affection. But there are types of chocolates that are known to adversely affect and reduce testosterone levels. Be careful with what you choose to eat. Try always opting for darker chocolates.

StarBoy Wizkid Dashes Out N1million To Fans At Concert (Photo)

The pop star kept to his words of dashing out One Million Naira to his fans at Industry night. Nice one!

10 Statements Non Virgin Ladies Normally Find Offensive

In the society we live, it’s completely normal for a guy to publicly discuss his se.xual prowess to the world and will be cheered and may even receive a standing ovation for that. But the ladies dare not.

This is because we are in a society where ladies are rebuked, ridiculed, castigated and labeled all sort of names for publicly discussing their se.xual status.

As a result of that they face, these have led many of our ladies into living a life of hypocrisy, deceit and pretense so as to appear decent and responsible to their spouse or interested “chairmen”

In recent days, many of our ladies resort to telling lies while some of them resort to using tightening creams and some other things which time will not permit me to mention, all in a bid to virgin-sam gullible guys.

Without wasting time, I shall mention the statements many non virgin ladies find very offensive

Note: This write-up only focuses on the statements that makes a proportion of non virgin ladies to get offended. It is NOT to discriminate against, or hype the virgins.

10 Statements Non Virgin Ladies Normally Find Offensive

1. Are you a virgin?

This question sounds inoffensive but I can assure you that the larger percent of our ladies will get offended by it. Some of them are usually very timid and uncomfortable answering this question and may get angry.

When you start dating a lady and you take the courage to ask this question, she will give you a stern look, which will be interpreted as “I thought you said you love me?”. This reminds me when I asked this same question and she began to narrate how she fell from a mango tree when she was primary 3 and she began to bleed. In other words, that was how she lost her virginity. *smh*

2. Virgin Ladies are more Respected by their partners than non-virgins

This particular statement makes them feel unworthy. You would also notice the ‘regretful look’ on their faces, wishing they never lost it

3. I want to Marry a virgin lady

Don’t even utter this statement especially when you are in the midst of the female folks, or else, they will tag you a clown. However, when this statement is being uttered, ladies will begin to interrogate you with questions like “after you have defiled many ladies, now you want a virgin abi? “You really need to grow up”; “where will you see a virgin in this generation? Unless you go to the village

4. When were you Disflowered?

Another statement they find very offensive. They are most likely to give you a polite embarrassment of your life. The ones who are bold enough to answer that question will subtract 5 years from when the deed was done, and will tell you they lost it last year.

5. How many Guys have you got laid with?

This is a question that can end a relationship when asked (whether you wan to marry her on not), so endeavour to avoid asking such a question. It’s either they tell you they only had it once with their ex who took advantage of their undying love and forcefully coerced them into s*x. One once told me that she lost her virginity when she was having her bath  She further said that she was washing beneath that region when her sponge accidentally slipped into her kitty-cat, and she began to bleed.

6. Virgin Ladies are Decent

Non virgin ladies detest when you place too much emphasis on virgin ladies praising or hyping them. This statement will make them feel they are worthless, hence, they get offended

7. Have you ever been Impregnated ?

This reminds me of a thread which graced the front page of nairaland few days ago. A dude and his proclaimed girlfriend engaged in an inquisitive conversation, only to ask her if she had ever been impregnated at a point in time. She got mad, walked out of him, stopped picking his calls and her interest in the relationship head on diminishing returns

8. When was the Last time you had Fun

In as much as this question is quite unnecessary, don’t even dare ask if you don’t want her to get offended. The ones who are bold enough to be outspoken will vehemently lie that it was 15 years ago

9. I cannot Marry a non-virgin Lady

This is a discriminating statement which is being uttered by some dudes. I trust that every non virgin lady will be offended by this statement

10. It’s expected of you to add the last one

It’s Easier To Rob In Ghana Than Nigeria – Robbery Suspect (Photo)

A robbery suspect and ex-convict, Wasami Dennis, 32, has made a confessional statement to the operatives of the Rapid Response Squad (RRS), that it was easier for him to operate in Ghana than Nigeria because Ghanaians are not as security conscious as Nigerians.

He made the confession when the police arrested him in Lagos in his hideout in Agbole Orile in Lagos.

The trans-border robbery suspect, who hails from Abraka town, Delta State, was released almost a year ago from Kirikiri prison after he was convicted for a break-in robbery incident in Festac, Lagos, Nigeria.

“I was released from prison about a year ago. I was caught in possession of a stolen laptop from Ghana along with three machetes hidden inside the walls of the hideout,” he narrated.

He added that he operated more in Ghana than Nigeria, stressing that Ghanaians never challenged him in any of his operations.

Pastor Of Grace Assembly Caught Trying To Squeeze A Woman’s Boobs On Instagram (Photos)

This went down on Instagram today, This dude who happens to be the holy spirit filled head pastor of the Dubai branch of Grace Assembly church did the unthinkable when he went on Instagram to flirt thinking that nobody would recognize him.

The randy man of God commented on the first pics declaring his interest in grabbing and squeezing the lady’s breasts not thinking about who he is, His philandering was not so clandestine after-all because people decoded and before he could privatize his account i have gotten all i needed.

Teenagers Stripped Unclad In Delta For Stealing Chairs & Sofa (Photo)

Onyi AKA Alhaji [Right] and his friend [left] saw the other side of the youths in Illah community, Delta state, after they stole chairs and couch from a well known business man in Umuogbu Village in Illah

The duo were stripped Unclad and forced to leave their p*nis dangling for kids to see, as they were instructed not to cover their blokos with their hands….

Though they were not beaten by the mob, they were later released and instructed to appologise to the owner….

Nigerian Student Stabbed To Death In Cyprus

According to reports from other Nigerian students in Cyrus, Ebinabo Mendeinyo (pictured left) was allegedly stabbed to death by other Nigerians in Cyrus on Dec. 26th at his student apartment.

The initial story was that he jumped from the 6th floor of his apartment building out of fear when the boys came to confront him, but the Cyprus police have ruled that out after they found stab wounds on his body.

Jerry Udumioh, aka MC Jerry, a popular comedian and event host (pictured right in handcuffs) was the first person the police arrested in connection with the murder.

Ebinabo is believed to have been stabbed multiple times by about six boys. They allegedly first drove to his friend’s house, kidnapped him and forced him to take them to Ebi’s house. They made him knock so that the victim would open the door without suspecting. When Ebi opened they door, he was allegedly stabbed and his throat slit.

The reason for the murder hasn’t been made clear but a source said the fight started the previous day at a Christmas party and it was over a Zimbabwean girl and some folks feeling disrespected. Someone got stabbed at the club that night, and the fight was taken to Ebi’s house the following day.

Jerry has been charged with ‘trespass’, kidnapping and serious assault.

AWOOFUU:Get 3GB On Your Glo Sim Now @ #300 And 1GB @ #200….

3gb weekend plan is the trending subscription right now for major network providers after Airtel Nigeria introduced it while MTN followed suit a week ago, and now Glo have joined the trend with the introduction of 3gb weekend data plans and 1gb night plans which is just like a Christmas gift for those that are not fans of free browsing tweaking.

I said it because, no one will want to leave the free MTN music plus and cheap Etisalat free browsing available to payN500 for 3gb that will be used only on weekends and 1gb that is usable only at midnight.

So I think this data subscription of 3gb that is trending is for those that are not willing to enjoy the free browsing or will I say, the wealthy guys. Lol…

You can recall that Glo BISis still working and rocking on Android as long as you tweak your IMEI to that of BlackBerry.

It is one of the oldest cheat that is still blazing as at the time of publishing this.

So if you are interested in this data subscription, I will give you the codes to use to subscribe to it because it seems to be the trending data subscription at the moment.


This plan will work on below devices

* Android

* BlackBerry 10 Devices

* Nokia, in fact all jarva OS devices

* iOS devices

* windows phones

* Computers (PC)


Below are the codes to subscribe for glo weekend and night data plans

* Dial *777# and follow the prompt i.e. data services>>>buy data>>>Night and weekend plan)


you can dial *777*1*1*7# for the weekend plan


dial *777*1*1*1# for the1GB N200night plan.


The weekend 3GB Plan costs N500

The Night plan costs N200

NOTE: The Nite plan is just one day and the weekend plan is Saturday, sunday (morning till night)till extra 7 nites i.e mon – sun nights.

The night plan starts 12am to 5am.

So there you have it. There are different plans you can choose from.

All Networks Unlimited Browsing And Etisalat 120GB Rocks Here

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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Police arrest soldier for supplying arms to robbers(Photo)

The Inspector General of Police Special Intelligence Response Team, SIRT have arrested a Lance Corporal of the Nigeria Army stationed in Borno state, for allegedly supplying arms and ammunition to robbers in Lagos.

According to a report by Vanguard, the unidentified Lance corporal was arrested alongside members of a robbery gang that raided commercial banks in Lekki, Ikorodu, Festac and Agbara areas of Lagos and Ogun State recently.

The suspects were picked up at various locations in Lagos, Ogun, Oyo and Borno states, respectively, by the SIRT operatives, led by CSP Abba Kyari, and officials of the Defense Intelligence.

Items recovered from the robbers include an automatic pump action rifles, a pistol and some cartridges. Sources close to the SIRT disclosed that the army corporal who was picked up at his duty post in Maiduguri, Borno State, by men of the Defense Intelligence, is currently undergoing interrogations at the Defense Headquarters, Abuja.

One of the suspects has confessed that his gang received large supplies of arms and ammunition, from the soldier, who was posted to Borno State, to fight the Boko Haram sect.


Fans come for wizkid and davido for not showing up at olamide live in concert

Olamide held his second edition of his “Olamide Live In.Concert“, #OLIC2 in Eko Hotel on December 27. The event which graced the high and mighty as several musical acts performed.
There were mixed reactions however, when two headlining acts who were expected to perform at the show were not present. Wizkid and Davido were missing and fans were not happy about it.

Davido had earlier twitted, confirming that he.would be present at the show but was not able to show up.

Fans came on twitter to react over it..

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Lionel Messi wins Best Player of the Year award in Dubai (photos)

Lionel Messi won the Best Player of the Year award at the Globe Soccer Awards in Dubai last night and he’s the overwhelming favorite to scoop the Ballon d’or 2015 best player of the year award in January.

The Argentina and Barcelona forward, scored 58 goals as Barcelona enjoyed a memorable treble-winning campaign last season winning the Copa del rey, Champions league and La liga title.

    ‘It’s very nice to receive these awards, but I always say that the team makes it possible,’ said Messi. ‘It’s been an extraordinary year.’

Other players like Frank Lampard and Andrea Pirlo were also honoured at the awards Ceremony in Dubai.

The Award winners in full;
Best Player of the Year 2015 – Lionel Messi
Best Club 2015 – Barcelona
Best President 2015 – Josep Maria Bartomeu
Best Media Attraction in Football – Barcelona
Player Career Award- Frank Lampard
Player Career Award – Andrea Pirlo
Best Agent 2015 – Jorge Mendes
Best Coach 2015 – Marc Wilmots
Best Academy 2015 – Benfica
Best GCC Player 2015 – Yasir Al-Shahrani
Best Referee 2015 – Ravshan Irmatov

Monday, December 28, 2015

Mtn Currently Dishing Out Free Credit To All Their Customers

Mtn is currently dishing Out free Airtime Bonus to all dis Customers Dis Festive Period…..

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How To Renew your MTN MusicPlus 150MB ( PART 2 )

1. Instead of Cancel7D – Text Music to 5900

2. Then wait for the reply and send D again to 5900.

3. Check your balance with *559*2#, 150MB should smile to you then.

That is new way for you to renewing the 150MB over and over.

Enjoy it while it last.

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Why Banks Stopped Atm Naira Cards Usage Abroad

Indications have emerged on why banks stopped the usage of naira debit and credit cards outside the country. According to industry sources, the decision was reached because banks could no longer provide foreign exchange to settle the foreign transactions.

A banking industry source told LEADERSHIP that in the past three months, over $300 million was spent paying for transactions that were done abroad using naira cards. This is aside the business travel allowance, personal travel allowance and payments for ‘eligible for foreign exchange’ products and services.

Some banks had last week informed their customers that with effect from Friday, January 1, 2016, they would no longer be able to access funds from their accounts using naira debit or credit cards outside the country.

This had spiked reactions on social media as Nigerians, especially those living and schooling abroad condemned the move. However, the banking industry source explained that “For the last two to three months we spent over $200 million to $300 million dollars paying for naira cards.

“People carry 10 cards, travel and withdraw cash and they use these dollars to buy gold, air freshener, candle and other things in five to 10 suit cases, what they forget is that the money they spend is our reserves.

“The result is that we are unable to pay the owners of the card, MasterCard and Visacard because there is not enough foreign exchange to allot to them and if you don’t pay them you have a country risk and credibility issues for the country” the source elaborated.

The unofficial value of the Nigerian currency, the naira, has plunged because of the fall in the oil price which is its main export, as the country has so far spent billions of dollars propping up the currency since it fixed the exchange rate in February and tightened trading rules to curb speculation.

The nation’s foreign exchange reserves had continued to decline falling to $29.34 billion as at December 22, 2015 according to figures on the website of the central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).

Meanwhile, the CBN has denied giving the directive on the stoppage of naira credit and debit cards use outside the country to banks. Although the ban has been said to be personal decisions of the banks, insider sources within the apex bank said the decision has received the support of the central bank which has taken several steps to reduce dollar outflow.

In June, the central bank had banned businesses from accessing hard currency to import about 40 items. The list included Indian incense, toothpicks, plastic and rubber products, soap and even private jets. The amount that Nigerians could spend on credit cards abroad had already been reduced by the banks.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

How To Use MTN BB LITE(BIS) ON ANDROID Via Psiphon Handler

Merry Christmas 🎄 and Happy New year in Advance.  Due to the issues we are all facing with MTN MUSICPLUS fading away with 2015,we can still rock MTN BIS ON ANDROID Via Psiphon Handler. Most of you might have been looking for MTN MUSICPLUS MB NEW CODE, MUSICPLUS NEW ACTIVATION CODE and so on.



Launch Psiphon Handler

On the handler menu.
Proxy type – real host

Proxy server –

Real Proxy server –
Real Proxy type – inject/HTTP/Direct/socks

Host address
Port 8080

Region : choose any country of your choice

Tick :Tunnel whole device

Click on more options
Tick sound$vibrate

Tick –connect through HTTP proxy
Tick –use the following settings
Host address-
Save and connect


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10 Things You Should Never, Ever Put Inside Your V**ina [Ladies Get In Here]

Don’t even think about it.

We’re pretty attached to our v**ina, especially since it brings so much fun into our lives. But we keep trying to bring some really inappropriate things into the fun.
While we may think it’s exciting and kinky to be adding foods and shiny toys to play time, we really need to be a lot more careful about what goes in there, specifically, these ten things:

1. Fruit and vegetables

Bananas and cucumbers have been notoriously labeled as the “naughty” or a “let me try that just once” gadget due to its shape, size, and easy accessibility during experimental years.
But Dr. Yvonka, a clinical sexologist, warns against it: “This is a big no-no and can be quite risky health-wise due to the variety of little critters and bacteria it is exposed to!”

No matter how well you clean those fruits and veggies, chances are they’re still carrying around critters, dirt, and bacteria. Food in general is a good idea to keep above the belt, not below.

Just because they’re man-hood-shaped doesn’t mean they belong near your v**ina.

2. Douches

Douching can reduce natural bacteria in the v**ina, introduce foreign bacteria, and irritate the mucous lining.

It’s also been scientifically linked to pelvic inflammatory disease, chlamydia, gonorrhea, bacterial vaginitis, cervical cancer, reduced fertility, and ectopic pregnancy, says Taylor Stokes, a sexpert at Free Your V.

3. Hair dye

Sure, we all want to show men our pink, heart-shaped welcome mat. But beware: our skin down there is way more sensitive than on our head, meaning hair-dye related burns and irritations are far more likely.
And if you’re really adamant about dyeing your pubic hair, do your research first and find products that are free of irritants.

4. Certain lubricants

Lubes that contain parabens, petrochemicals, DEA, glycerin, methylisothiazolinone, and fragrance are a big no-no. Many of these ingredients are linked to cancer, hormone balance disruption, and skin irritations, says Stokes.
Also be aware that oil-based lubes are thicker and harder to cleanse out of your lady parts, which can lead to infection.

5. Living things

Whatever floats your boat, ladies. But just realize that animals may decide they like it better in your v**ina and stick around, says Jason S. James, M.D., and medical director of FemCare Ob-Gyn, LLC.
I mean, should “animals” and “your v**ina” even be used in the same sentence

6. Sharp objects

“I’ve heard of knitting needles getting stuck,” says Dr. James. This also includes fragile items like light bulbs and glass bottles.

7. Dirty toilet paper

Ladies, this goes without saying, but ALWAYS wipe front to back. Not doing so can result in fecal matter making its way into your v**ina, leading to infection.

8. Medications

Medications, drugs, and alcohol can become absorbed in too high quantities because the v**ina is very vascular and absorbs chemicals very efficiently, says Dr. James.
There’s an urban legend about women placing vodka-laced tampons in their v**ina to absorb the martini-buzz into their bloodstream. But NO, this is NOT a good idea.

9. Soft plastic s*x toys

Because s*x toys are sold as “novelty items,” they’re not FDA-regulated for body safety. Many toy manufacturers don’t even list the ingredients in their toys, leaving us in the dark about what we’re putting into and around our vaginas.

“Many soft plastic/rubber toys are made with phthalates, some of which have been designated as possible human carcinogens,” says Dr. Emily Morse, a s*x expert.
These softer plastic, rubber, or “jelly-like” s*x toys can undergo wear and tear, and develop cuts and nicks that tiny microbes and infection-causing bacteria can live in, says Morse.

10. Bodies of water

Pools and jacuzzis seem like an inviting environment for s*x …
But “These man-made recreational bodies of water are always chlorinated, and chlorine may disrupt the natural pH balance in the v**ina. Lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, and all natural bodies of water are host to a whole gang of microbes and bacteria that can be harmful to the v**ina.

s*x in these bodies of water can force this bacteria into the v**ina, leaving it vulnerable to bacterial infections, irritation, etc.,” says Morse.
So, ladies, be careful with what you put down below.

See The 7 Things The Bible Forbids, But Most Of Us Do Anyways

We know the Bible can be pretty difficult to accurately interpret. Some people say the old testament laws don’t count anymore, but others think they still do. Bible scholars are needed here because there are some actions the Bible ban both in the old and new testament, and we’d like to know if they are still considered a sin or not?

1.  Checking babies out:

Matthew 5:28

“But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in His heart

2. Braiding your hair:

1Timothy 2:9

“likewise, I want women to adore themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments. ”

3. Women speaking in church :

1corinthians 14:34

“let your woman keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak, but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law”.

4. Eating more than you have to:

Proverbs 23:2

… And put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony”

5. Trimming your beard:

leviticus 19:27

“Neither shalt though Mar the corners of thy beard”

And when people call the bible outdated, people will start shouting “son of the devil”.

6. Gossiping about your colleagues:

leviticus 19:16

“Though shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among the people: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbor, I am the Lord”

7. Tattoos:

leviticus 19:28

” ya shall not make any cuttings in the flesh of the dead, nor print any marks upon you, I am the Lord.

I’m Retiring As An Artiste In 2016 – Don Jazzy

Mavin boss Don Jazzy has announced his plans to retire as an artiste in 2016 and instead, focus on being a producer

Tweets he shared continue below:-
 He did that today on Twitter and according to him, one of the reasons he’s quitting is: ‘Na to shoot video dey tire me pass sef.”.

Tweets he shared continue below:-

Breaking!! CBN Governor, Godwin Emefiele Loses Mother

The Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria  (CBN), Godwin Emefiele has lost his mother, Madam Alice Emefiele. She died on December 25. She died after brief illness.

Lagos Policeman Kills Twin Brothers, Their Friend And Himself (Graphic Photos)

A drunk policeman, Stephen James, on Saturday shot dead three male customers at a hotel in the Ketu area of Lagos State.

SUNDAY PUNCH learnt that among the deceased were twin brothers identified as Taiwo and Kehinde Oyesunle and their friend known simply as Jeje. The twins were the only children of their mother.

The tragic incident; which happened outside the premises of Paulson Hotel on Anibaba Street around 4:20pm, threw the entire neighbourhood and its environs into chaos with passers-by and residents scampering in different directions.

According to eyewitnesses, trouble started when the police sergeant with Force number 217884, threatened to shoot customers if they failed to buy him an alcoholic drink.

The policeman, who was said to be a habitual smoker of marijuana, however, felt offended after the victims – Taiwo, Kehinde and Jeje – cautioned him to comport himself as an adult and a responsible policeman.

early 30s, as they stepped outside the hotel premises where they had gone to celebrate Jeje’s birthday.

When the gravity of his act dawned on him, the policeman reportedly shot himself in the chest.

A guest at the hotel, who witnessed the killings, told SUNDAY PUNCH that the policeman had boasted about wanting to kill people hours before the incident happened.

The customer, who identified himself only as Femi, said all efforts to pacify the policeman proved abortive as he kept fomenting trouble and harassing visitors with his gun all afternoon.

buy him drinks. He boasted that he felt like killing someone today, but other customers and I pleaded with him.
“When the three guys walked in and sat, he went to them and threatened them too. But the guys told him to calm down that they would take care of him but he should comport himself as a responsible police officer.

“Nobody knew he took offence with their statement. The police officer shot the three guys one after the other as they stepped outside the hotel before killing himself. The whole thing happened like a movie,” he said.

Another resident Ladipo Idowu told our correspondents that the policeman was known to foment trouble in the area.

He said James usually fired his gun indiscriminately and the residents had warned the hotel authorities to caution him but nothing was done about it.

Another eyewitness, Dada Salawu, said, he was passing by when he saw the policeman and the three friends exchanging words. He said hardly had he left the area when the policeman opened fire on the victims.

A former girlfriend to one of the slain twins told SUNDAY PUNCH that they were the only children of their parents.

The lady, who was inconsolable as she spoke to one of our correspondents, said the twins were still mourning the death of their father who passed away in June 2014 when their lives were cut short.

Refusing to have her picture taken, she said, “I called them very early on Saturday morning not to go outside their compound after I dreamt of seeing blood. I called them again at about 2:00pm to warn them. The twins, however, decided to drive a vehicle a relation had just bought at about 3:00pm. They drove to Paulson Hotel.”

The Sports Utility Vehicle which the victims drove was still parked in front of the hotel by the time our correspondents left the scene.

An angry mob, which later gathered at the scene of the tragedy, attempted to burn down the hotel and destroy properties within its premises.

As irate youths threw bottles and stones at the hotel, lodgers ran out of their rooms with their luggage and fled the scene. As at the time of filing this report, the hotel had been completely deserted by staff and guests.

The youths also wanted to burn the corpse of the policeman, but policemen, who later got to the scene pleaded with them.

Policemen led by the Divisional Police Officer of the Ketu Police Station arrived at the scene at about 5.30 pm to carry the corpses away.

The Police Public Relations Officer, Mr. Joe Offor, confirmed the killings to our correspondents on the telephone. However, he said he had not yet received the full details of the incident.

DSP Joe Offor said, “The policeman was on duty at that hotel. He was attached to Mopol 22, Ikeja. He was drunk while on duty and he acted under the influence of alcohol.”

Efforts to speak with the management of the hotel on the incident proved abortive as it was deserted as of 6.30pm when one of our correspondents left the scene.

When one of our correspondents visited the home of the twins at No. 3, Dairo Street, Ketu, a sea of sympathisers were gathered, while friends of the victims vowed to revenge the killing. The entire neighbourhood was in tension with nearby hotels, drinking joints and shops closing for business earlier than usual.